Tuba City Unified School District Native Language & Culture Program

Reid, Jonessa
Native Language & Culture Program Coordinator
(928) 283-1179
Nockideneh, Clarissa
Native Language & Culture Program / Federal Projects Secretary
(928) 283-1183
Meetings & Events
Meeting Agendas
View what we discuss at our meetings
- August 26, 2024
- September 25, 2024
- October 28, 2024
- November 25, 2024
- December 30, 2024
- January 30, 2025
Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Goals
2. The Native Language & Culture Program will support the needs of our students and program teachers to develop language speakers in our communities.
3. The Native Language & Culture Program will provide more community engagement for our families, staff, and students through professional learning, college and career development, and cultural activities.
IEC Committee Members
Dzil Libei Elementary
Tuba City JR High School
Merna Tallsalt
Vice President
Tsinabaas Habitiin Elementary
Tuba City High School
LaVernda Whitehair
Tuba City Elementary
Nizhoni Accelerated Academy
NLCP Teachers
Belinda Badonie
TCHS Navajo Language
Rosella Keene
TCHS Native American Studies
Myron Arvis
TCJH & TCHS Hopi Language
Valarie Tsinigine
TCHS Navajo Government
Mariah Billy
DLES Navajo Language
Louise Kerley
TCJHS Navajo Language
Susie Robbins
TCHS Navajo Language
Violet Tso
TCES Navajo Language
Angela Blake
TCJHS Navajo Language
Royd Lee
TCES Navajo Language
Susie Store
TCES Navajo Language
Margie Begay
TCES Navajo Language
Johnson O’Malley Program
The Johnson O’Malley (JOM) Program was established in 1934 by the Johnson O’Malley Act, which authorizes the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) to use grants and contracts to provide educational opportunities and assistance for Native American students. The program goal is to help students overcome educational challenges and reach their full potential. The JOM program services include the language programs, career and college readiness, and cultural engagements for students.
Our program is driven by the implementation of the Education Plan. TCUSD #15 schools may request from the JOM program in the following areas:
- Cultural presentation by Consultants.
- Cultural relevant resources, materials, and artifacts.
- College and Career Readiness.
- Student field trips
- Family Cultural learning
- Parental Cost
Bureau of Indian Education Johnson O’Malley Program (BIE-JOM)
The supplemental educational Johnson-O’Malley (JOM) Program is authorized by the Johnson O’Malley Act of 1934 and the implementing regulations are provided in 25 CFR Part 273. As amended, this Act authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to enter into contracts with States, schools, and private nonsectarian organizations, and to expend appropriated funds in support of eligible Indian students under such contracts. Federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations are also eligible to apply for JOM contracts. A local JOM program operates under a BIE approved individual educational plan. The JOM educational plans include objectives designed to address the educational needs of eligible American Indian and Alaska Native students, which offers them various opportunities. It may include cultural enrichment, tribal language program, academic assistance, and dropout prevention programs. The JOM assistance grants provide these students with resources to meet their unique and specialized educational needs to help them stay in school and increase their chance of success, and afford parents the opportunity to become and remain involved in their child’s education.
Navajo Nation Johnson O’Malley Plan of Operation; Section II: Purpose (NN-JOM)
The Department of Johnson-O’Malley provides supplemental funding, pursuant to 25 CFR Part 273-Johnson-O’Malley Program for eligible Native American students in public schools, tribal organizations, Indian corporation and previously private schools with unique and specialized educational supports and opportunities i.e. substance abuse counseling, teacher assistants, tutoring program, home school liaison, summer schools, curriculum development, Navajo language/culture enrichment, and other necessary supplemental programs. These programs are implemented with active parental involvement through subcontracts to establish a local Indian Education Committee (IEC) as provided for by 25 CFR Section 273.16, (and related provisions thereof) to conduct needs assessments, planning, development, implementation and evaluation.
Tuba City Unified School District #15 (TCUSD #15) Johnson O’Malley Program
The Navajo Nation Johnson O’Malley Program office contracts with our TCUSD #15 to provide JOM programming. Two requirements for implementation are the establishment of an Indian Education Committee (IEC) and that an Education Plan is created and accepted by the Navajo Nation JOM program. This Education Plan has goals and objectives to meet five support service components, which are developed by utilizing a needs assessment that is completed each year, IEC school visits, input from parents, and data from district report(s). Our students, parents, teachers, and schools benefit from the JOM program.
Eligibility for TCUSD #15 JOM
- Enrolled TCUSD #15 students; Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12
- Students and/or Parents membership in a federally recognized tribe
- A copy of the student certificate of tribal membership must be on file in JOM office and school.
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