Dear TCJHS Parents and extended family members,
Welcome to February and the fifth week of this quarter. There is so much going on at Tuba City Jr. High School. The next four weeks are full of the things that make the Junior High year so great. From AZELLA testing and basketball games to Parent Teacher conferences to Saturday Academy and, of course, Tuba City Jr. High’s Winter ball dance. There is something going on every week and it is exciting.
This is a friendly reminder that on Friday, February 14, 2025, no balloons, flowers or gifts are allowed on campus or deliveries. Tuba City Jr. High School is following their Emergency Operation plans to ensure the safety of all students and staff. Please work with the school to ensure items are not on campus. On another note, any changes in buses or drop-off points need to be made before noon so that we can send a note to your child’s teacher for the change. Students give this note to the bus driver. This is the procedure that is in place at Tuba City Jr. High School.
The Parent Teacher conference is on Thursday, February 20, 2025, from 1 pm to 4 pm and 5 pm to 7 pm. A break for the teachers will be from 4 pm to 5 pm. During this break, from 4 pm to 5 pm a Site Council Meeting will take place in the Data room at the Tuba City Jr. High School. All parents are invited. A Parent Survey will be conducted during this conference so please take the time to participate in this survey. This survey can be obtained by a teacher.
Our Jr. High students and staff have done a great job at making the best out of every situation and we look forward to finishing this year off strong. Have a great week and please reach out with any questions, concerns or ideas.
Ms. C. Benally, Ed. Sp. – Principal
M. Balcerek – Dean of Students
Tuba City Jr. High Teachers and Staff
Our Goals
Goal 1:Â TCJHS will increase student achievement, to exceed state standards and become an excelling school. Goal 2:Â Â Parental partnerships will be strengthened at TCJHS.
Our Vision
We envision our school as a place where everyone is inspired to strengthen their learning.
The building blocks of crisis response.
TCUSD has adopted the Standard Response Protocol