Tuba City Unified School District Exceptional Student Services
Call ESS District Office: 928-283-1160 for your inquiries
ESS ensures that public education agencies in Arizona have special education programs, policies, and procedures that comply with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and its implementing regulations, and that eligible children and youth with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). ESS provides professional learning opportunities, provides technical assistance to schools, supports the needs of families of students with disabilities, monitors schools for compliance with the regulations that implement the IDEA, and administers the IDEA Entitlement grant.

Contact Us
ESS District Office: 928-283-1160
ESS Fax: 928-283-1265
P.E.E.P. Office: 928-283-1028
Rhonda Chase
Data Management
Procedural Safeguards
Parent Rights
ESS Brochure
PEEP Brochure
Special Education Process FlowChart
ESS provides professional learning opportunities, provides technical assistance to schools, supports the needs of families of students with disabilities, monitors schools for compliance with the regulations that implement the IDEA, and administers the IDEA Entitlement grant.
Special education is the education of students with special needs in a way that addresses the students’ individual differences and needs, Ideally, this process involves the individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials, accessible settings, and other interventions designed to help learners with special needs achieve a higher level of personal self-sufficiency and success in school and community.
Email request for Special Education records to
spedrecords@tcusd.org or fax to (928) 283-1265
Services Provided
CHILD FIND applies to children from birth to 21 years old who are suspected of having a disability. For more information visit http://www.azed.gov/specialeducation/
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPYÂ is to help children with various needs to improve their cognitive, physical, motor skills and enhance their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment
SPEECH-LANGUAGE THERAPYÂ is the treatment for children who have difficulty with speech and/or language disorders.
PHYSICAL THERAPYÂ is for children who have difficulty with physical movement from an illness, disease or disability.
VISION, HEARING AND ORIENTATION & MOBILITYÂ services provided by Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind (ASDB) providers.
COUNSELING – An ESS Counselor is available to students who need counseling according to their Individual Education Plan.
RESOURCE – Individual needs are supported in resource rooms as defined by the student’s IEP. Sometimes this form of support is called Resource and Withdrawal (or pull out) from regular classroom. The child getting this type of support will receive some time in the resource room which refers to the withdrawal portion of the day and some time in the regular classroom with modifications and/or accommodations which is the resource support in the regular classroom.
SUPPLIMENTARY AIDES & SERVICES – aids, services and other supports that are provided in regular education classes, other education related settings, and in extracurricular and nonacademic settings, to enable children with disabilities to be educated with non-disabled children to the maximum extent appropriate.
Each student in the program is provided with a case manager that is responsible for managing the student’s individual education plan, progress reporting and evaluations. The case managers schedule annual IEP meetings with the students as well as evaluations every three years. The meetings may occur more often if needed. Progress reports are completed quarterly or more often if needed.
Additional Services Provided by Tuba City High School
STUDY SKILLS is an elective course provided to students with an individual education plan or 504 plan. The course provides help with organization, study strategies, transition planning and academic support. Students are responsible for bringing work, assignments, projects, reading and study materials to class each day. During the class, students are expected to work on assignments, review and prepare notes, study for quizzes and tests and complete necessary research and activities that contribute to their success.
LEARNING LAB is provided to students with an individual education plan or 504 plan. There are Science, Social Studies, Math and English Learning labs. In each Lab, there is a teacher assigned that focuses on the above areas. The student receives the lesson from the General Education teacher and then goes to the Learning Lab for assistance from the Exceptional Student Services teacher.
DAILY LIVING SKILLS CLASSROOM is for students that need daily living skills and a more specialized instruction. In this classroom, students learn how to prepare a menu, shop and cook.
Students do recreational/daily living skill activities to learn about healthy living and how to take care of themselves to prepare for when they graduate high school. Students also go to Greyhills Inn to learn how to make beds, vacuum and clean the hotel rooms. The students learn transition skills to prepare to get a job and work in a hotel as a house keeper.
Tuba City Unified School District Alerts
This notice area is intended to keep families up-to-date with school closures or events that affect your students attendance. Please check here regularly for updates.

One Call Now is a service provided by TCUSD to quickly contact families to share information about topics such as emergencies and reminders of upcoming events. All messages found here have already been sent to your cell phone if you are set up to receive One Call Now messages. If you are not set up to receive messages, please contact your child’s school for information.  To listen to the messages on this web page, click the green speaker icon (if one is available). A .wav file will be downloaded which will play in your default media player