Tuba City High School Staff Directory


Dean of Students





Eltsosie, Loretta  TCHS Principal  PH: (928) 283-1057

Clairmont, April  Assistant Principal-Athletic Director  PH: (928) 283-1128

Tsingine, Nicole  Acting Dean of Students  PH: (928) 283-1050  FAX: (928) 283-1204

Nelson, Doris  CTE Director  (928) 283-1118

Begay, Dina  ESS Social Worker

Yazzie, Anslem Dr.  ESS School Psychologist  Ext. 1161

Nockideneh-Tee, Sylvia  ESS Counselor 

Graham, Elouise  11th Grade Counselor & 9th Grade (G-N)  Ext.1121

Onsae-Scott, Cheryl  12th Grade Counselor & 9th Grade (A-F)  Ext.1164

Yellowman, Debora  10th Grade Counselor & 9th Grade (O-Z)  Ext.1119

Ly, Vinh  Tech Support


Certified Staff




Social Studies


PE & Health

Art & Music

Edgenuity & ASU Prep


Aquino, Samson (Adv. Alg. IA/AP Calculus)

Boniol, Elvira (Geometry A)

Honyouti, Carmen (Algebra IA)

Kotagiri, Ravindra (Geometry A)

Labajo, Amelia (Algebra IIA/Adv. Algebra IIA)

Nez, Randall (Consumer Math/Pre-Cal A) 

San Jose, Imelda (DE MAT 110/Adv. Geo. A/Geometry A) 

Bayo-Ang, Roly  Int. Sci. A/Biology A (LT Sub Elvis Jodie)

Boniol, Regie  Environmental Science A (LT Sub-Arlita Yazzie)  

Hyden, Effie  Ant/Phys A/Zoology A 

Perry, Carleton  Botany A/Biology A

Riggs-Yazzie, Marietta  Biology A/Adv. Bio A 

Albert, Corey  English 9A/English 101-12th/Adv. Eng. 11A/Adv. Eng 9A  

Grimes, Margarett  English 11A

Kotagiri, Renuka  English 10A

Macaraig, Jonathan  English 10A/Adv. English 10A

Macaraig, Vilma English 9A 

Rojo, Sonia  English 12A


Clark, Marwin  W. Hist/Geo A

Keene, Rosella  NAS

Myron, Arvis  Hopi Lang I-II (5th & 6th hour only)

Nockideneh, Allyson  Government/Econ 

Robbins, Susie  Nav. Government. /History/Navajo Lang II/Navajo Lang I  

Tsinigine, Valerie  World History/Navajo History & Government  

Yazzie, Dawn (LT Sub) – U.S. History A

Blackhat, Robert  Construction I/Welding I/Construction II  

Colorado, Ardith  Career Exploration

Engle, Brent  Auto I/Auto II/Auto III 

Goldtooth, Ryan  Welding I/Welding II/Welding III

Herbert, Catrina  Pre-K

Nez, Kimberly  ECE I/ECE III/ECE II

Tso, Brandon  Graphic III/Graphic I/Computer App/Graphic II  

Yazzie, Crystal A  Computer App/Business I/Business II  

Simeona, Kalani Weight Training/PE-COED

Williams, Kimberley  Health

Williams, Ross  PE-COED/Weight Training 

Claw, Stella  Art I-II

McMaster, Richard  Band I-II (5th & 6th hour only)

Begay, Beverly  (LT Sub)  Edgenuity

Goldtooth, Kristin  Edgenuity/ASU Prep

Lomadafkie, Duree  Study Skills

Smith, Jonathan  ID Study Skills

Yazzie, Evelyn B.  ID Study Skills

Classified Support Staff

Teacher Aides

Office Staff

Custodial Staff

Adams, Wenona  Pre-K Teacher Aide

Gaseoma, Vivian  ESS Teacher Aide

Keene, Holly  ESS Teacher Aide

Laughter, Brittney  ESS Teacher Aide 

Saganitso, Leila  ESS Teacher Aide 

Biakeddy, Anna  CTE Secretary   (928) 283-1064

Bigman, Gloria  PSSS (Tuesdays & Fridays only)  

Brodie, Debbie  Data Entry Clerk   (928)283-1039  FAX: (928)283-1217

Coin, Miranda  Registrar/Student Activity Clerk  (Thursday afternoons @ DO)  (928) 283-1107

Curley, Raquelynn  Athletic Secretary  

Hyden, Delores Library Aide 

Nutumya, Michelle  Receptionist    (928) 283-1050  FX: (928) 283-1204

Yazzie, Bernice  Principal Secretary   (928) 283-1063  FX: (928) 283-1227

Banda, Effie  Custodian  ebanda@tcusd.org

Black, Colby  Custodian  cblack@tcusd.org

Joe, Justin  Custodian  jj@tcusd.org

Seschillie, Eric  Custodian  eseschillie@tcusd.org

Smallcanyon, Elouise  Custodian  esmallcanyon@tcusd.org

Williams, Candace  Custodian  cwilliams@tcusd.org