Tsinaabaas Habitiin Elementary School Bookworms Club

Why Benny Barks
by David Milgrim

Wake Up, Sun!
by David L. Harrison

Pete's Big Lunch
by James Dean

Look for the Lorax (Dr. Seuss)
by Tish Rabe

I Like Bugs
by Margaret Wise Brown and G. Brian Karas

Gus Grows a Plant
by Frank Remkiewicz

Go, Dog. Go!
by P.D. Eastman

Fly High, Fly Guy!
by Tedd Arnold

Dragon Egg
by Mallory Loehr and Hala Wittwer

David Smells!
by David Shannon

Brand-new Pencils, Brand-new Books
by Diane deGroat

Big Bear, Little Bear
by David Bedford

A Kissing Hand for Chester Racoon
by Audrey Penn

Hey, Al
by Arthur Yorinks and Richard Egielski

If You Decide to Go to the Moon
by Faith McNulty

Knuffle Bunny - A Cautionary Tale
by Mo Willems

by Brian Floca

One of Each
by Mary Ann Hoberman and Marjorie Priceman

Owl Moon
by Jane Yolen

The Dot
by Peter H. Reynolds

The Gardener
by Sarah Stewart

The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush
by Tomie dePaola

What Do You Do With a Tail Like This?
by Steve Jenkins & Robin Page

When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry...
by Molly Bang

Charlotte's Web
by E.B. White

El Deafo
by Cece Bell

Henry's Freedom Box
by Ellen Levine and Kadir Nelson

Lilys Crossing
by Patricia Reilly Giff

One Crazy Summer
by Rita Williams-Garcia

Sahara Special
by Esme Raji Codell

by Ingrid Law

The Secret School
by Avi

The Man Who Walked Between the Towers
by Mordicai Gerstein

Through My Eyes
by Ruby Bridges

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon
by Grace Lin

by Alan Armstrong

Because of Winn-Dixie
by Kate DiCamillo

Wringer - Not All Birthdays Are Welcome
by Jerry Spinelli
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